My apologies for not updating my blog for 3 weeks. No need to worry either. It has been so nice not having to schedule doctor's appointments or even THINK about health related "stuff", so I have been enjoying each day as it comes. For the first time since I as diagnosed March 7, my health has not crossed my mine for a good 10 days. It's been GREAT!
Not much to update about the tumors and doctors since my last blog. The oncologist wanted to do additional testing on my biopsies to see how my cancer would react with chemotherapy. We are still waiting on the results. If the results come back positive, then I will have to go through chemo. If negative, then obviously I won't have any chemo. So no clear treatment plan has been drawn.
I have met with the plastic surgeon to go over the reconstructive surgery process. I will, in fact, have to get a masectomy on my left breast. I have 2 cancerous tumors that are in different quadrants of my left breast. So, I will have to decide if I want to have the right side removed to prevent future tumors. As for the genetic testing, it came back negative for the BCRA1 and BCRA2. Because of this, it makes the decision of having a bilateral masectomy a little more difficult. Though I really don't want to go through this again in the future. Anyway, the reconstructive surgery is quite a process. At the time of surgery, the surgeon will place a balloon type device (an expander) under my chest muscle. For about 6 weeks, I will go in every week to have silicone slowly pumped into the expander until it reaches my natural breast size. Then I will go back into surgery to have the implants done. Fortunate enough for me, my nipple will be conserved. =)
The last thing I have to do before any of this process begins in see a fertility doctor. I will be placed on tomaxafin for 5 years after surgery, and unfortunately a side effect is going through early menopause once you are done with it. You are not allowed to conceive while on tomaxafin due to the high risk of birth defects and other complications. So, it was highly advised for me to freeze some eggs (which is a 2 week process in itself). Out of this entire experience, this bit of information has been the toughest for me to bite. The possibility of hair loss and having my breast removed is nothing compared to the possibility of not having a child. Each day has gotten easier though. If it's meant to be it will be. =)
Last but certainly not least, on April 6, 2012, Trevor proposed to me! He proposed at a very special spot dear to he and his family: Crescent Bay in Laguna Beach. He had his sister's help with the planning, in addition to, having one of his great buddies help him capture the moment. We had planned a weekend getaway to Vegas 2 weeks prior, so he planned/timed the proposal on our way to the airport. **No we did not elope!** It was the perfect start to my spring break. I am lucky to have such caring and loving man in my life. I couldn't imagine going through this journey with anyone else.

After our Vegas vacation, my brother flew out here to visit the entire week. It was so incredibly nice to have an entire week with family. I have missed hanging out with him so much. We did everything from exploring the art galleries in Laguna, to hiking, to spending a day at Disney, eating some delicious food, laughing, being dorks, and more importantly our morning conversations over coffee. He and I always have fun time with each other, and the timing was just right. I can't wait for him to visit again! =)
So, that's a little update on the past 3 weeks. I hadn't forgotten about updating my blog....there just has not been anything to report on my it has been so nice living the moment. I am crossing my fingers I find out something on my biopsy results this week, so be sure to keeping checking in with the blog.
Going to enjoy the beautiful weather today.