Well I had an appointment with both my surgeon and oncologist yesterday. First of all, I don't see any point in waiting for over an hour to see the doctor for only 5 minutes. Really? I just waited for over an hour and the only important information you have for me is "Start your Tamoxifen again, then I will see you in 3 months." I mean, couldn't it have been easier to just call me with this information?! My oncologist appointments have been this way pretty much every time I have gone. Don't get me wrong, I highly respect and trust my oncologist, but I'm sure he has patients needing more of his time than myself. I am an easy case, but I guess he just wants to be face to face with his patients. That's always a good thing!
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**Side note: I'm normally an impatient person (despite the fact I work with children with Autism), but I feel this journey has taught me patience in more ways than one. I've always had patience with the kiddos I work with, but not so much with myself. I can honestly say for once in my life, I have had the upmost patience with myself and "life" over the past 4 months. There are some things that are just out your control. You have to trust and have confidence God knows what he is doing. From the day I was diagnosed and still to this moment, I strongly have believed nothing but positiveness was going to come out of this journey. So far, I have been right.**
I wanted to take a brief moment to mention a great cause that share 2 of my passions: CrossFit and Breast Cancer. Barbells For Boobs is a 501(c)3 non-profit breast cancer organization whose mission is to provide funding through the MAMMOGRAMS IN ACTION ® GRANT PROGRAM for qualified low-income and uninsured women and men who need screening and/or diagnostic procedures in the prevention of breast cancer. This is a wonderful organization that supports a great cause, so please check out the link. My goal is to re-train my body to prepare it for the Amazing Grace Fundraiser come October. The Amazing Grace WOD consists of 30 clean and jerks at 95# (Rx weight) for time. Not sure if I will be able to do that amount of weight by October, but I hope to at least get the movement by then. So be sure to stay tuned. :)
And that's all the time and energy I have for today's blog. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! :)
Oh Allyson, YAY!!!! PTL for such wonderful news! I couldn't be happier for you that you're officially cancer free, my friend! :D Glad everything else is going well for you too! Once things calm down a bit more for both of us, we still need to get together. Still praying for you and thinking of you; sending you lots and lots of happy beams for a speedy and flawless recovery!
Thanks Anj for the constant support and prayer! Yes, we definitely will get together in the near future. In the meantime, I will keep sending positive vibes and keeping you in my prayers. This journey only makes us that much stronger women. :)
DeleteGentle Hugs,