Thursday, April 26, 2012

Today Is A Good Day: Genomic Profile Results

After 3 weeks of waiting to hear from the oncologist in regards to my Genomic Profile of my tumors, I finally was able to meet with him today. The Genomic Profile consists of 3 tests: mammaprint, targetprint, and blue print.

My mammaprint (gene profile) results: Low Risk. 10 year Distant Metastasis-Free Survival prior to treatment ~90%. What this basically says is that I can expect my risk to be reduced  up to 50% with adjuvant hormonal therapy.

My targetprint (gene expression) analysis: ER (estrogen) Positive, PR (progesterone) Positive, HER2 Negative. ER/PR expression predicts potential hormonal therapy benefit. The targetprint quantitative gene results enable clarification of uncertain or borderline immunohistochemistry results.

My blueprint (molecular subtyping) results: My cancer is what they call "Luminal-type" and are typically hormone receptor positive tumors predictive for hormonal therapy sensitivity. Mammaprint "Low Risk" and "Luminal-type" combination cancer is predicted to have a clinical course similar to Luminal A, usually treated with hormonal therapy.

In other words, NO CHEMOTHERAPY for this girl....just straight to surgery! *Doing the Happy Dance*

It is not yet know if I will need radiation or chemotherapy after surgery. Once the surgery happens, they will know more on how invasive the one tumor is, in addition to, if the cancer has reached my lymph nodes. But for now, I am basking in the news of not having chemotherapy before surgery! I meet with the surgeon Monday morning to go over the specifics of surgery and schedule the date (make sure to check back here next week for more details).

I will be going through fertility treatment the next 2 weeks to freeze some eggs. Day 1 of that begins bright and early tomorrow morning. Joy. By the way, Fertile Hope through the Lance Armstrong Foundation is a blessing! We would not be able to go through this process without the help of their services. I am forever grateful! Here is the link:

On a different note, I finally did a rope climb today at crossfit (a few times actually!), AND I FINALLY strung 2 pull-ups together yesterday (YAY!)! I have set small goals for myself and and am checking them off one by one. It feels so great to be surrounded by such supportive and encouraging people (near and far). The thing that has kept me positive through this entire journey thus far is the continued words of encouragement, support, prayers and good vibes from each of you. Family, good company, laughter, and exercise are good for the soul. I genuinely appreciate each and every one of you. A special shout-out to those who have consistently kept in contact with me; no names needed, you know who you are.  =)

"Filthy Fifty" = 26min 58 seconds.


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